Thursday, August 21, 2008

Only a 4 yr old would say this.....

Today his mother and i go to the court house to pay taxes and while we are there we inquire about what is needed to get married since her and john are going to do that probably next month. After getting this info we head to the elevator to leave and 3 cops show up with 5 inmates in shackles and hand cuffs....they ask us to move over by the wall so they can pass. I have the baby with me and so I take him over to the corner and as they walk past little john says " you guys are going to jail!" the front two inmates start laughing. I am cracking up and Aimee is going what's so funny? she didn't hear him. So I told her and she couldn't get over it. Boy did we laugh.

1 comment:

Stitching said...

Kids are so darn cute! Gotta love em! huggerz laurel