Saturday, September 27, 2008

My grandson Cameron

He is so cute almost 7 months old and I haven't seen him.. due to my asshole husband...what a shame.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Long time no post

Long time no progress either, I think my stitching mojo took a mini vacation. Lucky freakin mojo wish I was taking one. Well in a few weeks Laurel and I are shop hopping so you can call that a mini vacation I guess. I still have a few more stockings to hurray up and do and so let the frantic stitching begin.LOL

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Well it's getting there...

Not much stitching lately but I am really going to town on the granny square. It is getting bigger and I will have to get more yarn..

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Continuing with the OMG!! OMG!!!

09 1200 miles guy was driving down the road and felt heat.....then this happened.

OMG OMG OMG!!! check out Anna's stocking!!! can't wait to get ahold of it.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

NO sunday night football.. NO Monday night football...

Our power has been off since Sunday night. so no games thank god it didn't go off while the race was on. Aimee's power was off too, but not as long as ours ...theirs came on at noon yesterday. so we are all good now. I think

Sunday, September 14, 2008


Okay how cute are these???

Saturday, September 13, 2008

A Big Granny Square

It is growing. It is 36 inches from side to side. I'm making it for Don, he likes it and can't wait for it to be done.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Looky what we have here.....

Okay yes this is a live bat that for some reason ended up in my living room. So I have sufficiently decorated for halloween. I also have two black cats so I'm set...

Moving right along onto Christmas here is two of the stockings that are back from the finisher. I expect my daughter will be right here the second she gets off work since I stopped in to show her.

Monday, September 8, 2008

It's Monday....

I never say yahoo it's monday but since I'm not working so far YAHOO!!!! I haven't been stitching the past few days but have been crocheting instead. I guess as much as it pains me I should try some fall cleaning. there is some things I want to switch around and what not. I also have a massive pile of laundry which you wouldn' think I would have but since I toss it in the basement and pay no attention to it it adds up.

Friday, September 5, 2008


I'm glad it's friday. I got up early today like 3:30ish---AM! No nap either. I hope it is gonna be a good stitchhing week end. we will see. I fear I am losing steam. I did stitch a little today though on my break before we went and hauled more wood.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

the first day of school....

didn't go as badly as it could have.....considering I didn't have the right route sheet!!! I did drop off Mia and Christopher's stockings off only to be told by the shop owner that the Dr's say my finishers cancer is back and they aren't sure yet what they are going to do but someone else will finish the stockings until she is back on her feet. I don't like cancer it is a horrendous diease.