Monday, May 19, 2008

Somehow...somewhere in Ohio

My plan to stitch for myself and stitch Halloween ALL YEAR went seriously into the crapper.....? I have been busy though between a leap year grand baby, crap and now another new grand baby due around christmas of all times, it's almost June, school is almost out, my mom has been gone nearly a year and I don't even know where the year has gone !!!!

1 comment:

Stitching said...

Believe it or not, you lived the year, that is now gone. I lived it with you and trust me, it was a long hard year for you. But you made it thru and you are now going to tackle this year! Forget Halloween and lets do all baby and Christmas this year. You got the babies and we have 7 1/2 months to go to get the stockings done! So....pull up those big girl panties and "LETS GET ER DONE"! huggers and love wrapped in stitches of pink and blue........laurel