Sunday, November 2, 2008

Boo Crew and news

Here is 4 grandbabies and 2 friends...I can't believe I got them all to sit down. From left to right is a friend ...he was well behaved so I'm not sure what his name is since I didn't hear it much. then is my grandson John and he is looking at Dylan, Christopher is sitting in front of Dylan and then Angelina and Tyler...

I did get the name graphed for Aimee's baby sampler and did get the supplies for the stocking. Hopefully I can get the stocking done by the 29th.


Petra said...

Yes how did you get them to sit...did they not eat the candy yet?

Stitching said...

Wow Toni.....How in the world did they sit so still? Give them a few pieces of candy and see if they will sit for a pic!!!! LOL huggerz laurel