Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thanksgiving 2008

Was a success. I took a few pictures. One of Grandpa Don and John going to feed the deers. The next one is Aimee and John and Pete and Little John and the grand dog Zeus....the last one is Zeus who got into trouble when he tried to nap the turkey off the counter. Aimee didn't think it was funny.

Happy Thanksgiving.

We are having turkey and stuff here at about 3 pm. Aimee is off work at 2pm. then I want to watch football and stitch. Hope everyone has a stitchy day.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

It's not a stocking or an ornament......

In a totally selfish move today I stitched for me!!! I had been wanting to stitch the companion piece to skating for a while now and I finally got it done. Every year when I hang skating for the winter I always think I need to do more it's done now. and in one day too....

Friday, November 14, 2008

Ornaments Galore!

Anyone who knows me knows I love Lizzie Kate. This year I have stitched two of her ornaments so far. I am trying really hard no to get my "tinsel in a tangle" as the days before Christmas and a new grandbaby and all set in. LOL wish me luck.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Oh My!!!

Hey that's not a stocking! How did that get in here. LOL

Friday, November 7, 2008

Happy Birthday Laurel!!

Hope you have a stitchy day. I am working this afternoon but it's a three quarter run. no matter I still get two hours out of it.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Well nothing drastic but Don is working again for a week or so. They sat still cause they had been running and were tired and hadn't had candy yet. Aimee's bun is still in the oven and she is 32 weeks now and the Dr. said after a few more weeks she is ready to go. I say she is waiting until at least December. I did start the last stocking today. I have a field trip tomorrow and so that will be 6 hours of paid stitching. :)

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Boo Crew and news

Here is 4 grandbabies and 2 friends...I can't believe I got them all to sit down. From left to right is a friend ...he was well behaved so I'm not sure what his name is since I didn't hear it much. then is my grandson John and he is looking at Dylan, Christopher is sitting in front of Dylan and then Angelina and Tyler...

I did get the name graphed for Aimee's baby sampler and did get the supplies for the stocking. Hopefully I can get the stocking done by the 29th.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Halloween 2008

Every year I can't wait to see how they dress up these cats. Last year the calico one was dressed as a mouse.