Friday, January 30, 2009

Me and Wyatt

Here is me and Wyatt yesterday when I was at Aimee's to drop off some medicine for little John who is feeling much better today. Wyatt is getting to be a chubby baby. I must confess I started a bent creek valentine row. I am planning a very lazy superbowl weekend. Laurel is off playing with her new grandbaby and wow does she have a head of hair!!! I can't wait to see pictures. I got tired of watching all the news and turned it over to the Cavs game.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Snow Day!!!

Yippeeeeee!!! I am planning to stitch most of the day. As soon as I get woke up good but the peeps my friend Laurel sent and the pepsi should do the trick. She also sent me a Webkinz Chocolate lab. I named her Cocoa just like my real chocolate lab. I enable Laurel on stitching and she enables me on webkinz!!! what a pair we are. I can't wait to see pics of her new grandbaby due Tomorrow!!!!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Wyatt's birth sampler

Here is my latest progress. I am jumping around alot....I don't care just as long as I get the thing done!!!

New Look

I was tired of the other look and wanted something new and springy. Rosie called and she and the girls are doing okay.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Little cat in the towel cupboard

Don left the door open the other night and little cat took the opportunity to get in there and play and hide. they always do when the door is left open.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Wyatt and progress on Wyatt's sampler

Wyatt came to see meemaw today!!! I was soooo Happy!!!

Here is the progress on his sampler.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Today's Progress

Here is my progress for today on Wyatt's sampler. At least I am working on it. I hope to stay home and work on it tomorrow too. I have a 7 hour field trip on Tuesday and it will go with me then too.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Progress on Wyatt's Sampler

We keep mommy's feet warm while she stitches.

Aimee chose a Stoney Creek for Wyatt's sampler and they are lovely pieces but a lot of color changes.

Here is what I got done soo far. not much huh? oh well. After this I can get back to stockings. I have a few more to do this year.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

for lack of stitching progress....

Bubba and little cat are talking about how they are soooo thankful that they are spoiled indoor cats. I am holed up in my room with the little heater on. I will be setting my alarm on the cell phone to get up every few hours to keep the wood burner going. I hope I am off the rest of this week in fact they are not expecting to have school on Friday.

Monday, January 12, 2009

my stitching mojo.....

appears to have gone missing. So I decided to rearrange my room instead and Bubba cat decided not to care and sleep right through it even though he is on the bed I was moving all around. I really need to break down and work on that sampler. Laurel is making progress on Brittany's and I am not on Wyatt's.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Me and Wyatt

I went over to Aimee's house to deliver a pan of peanut butter fudge and woof down some nachos and to hold the cutest grandbaby ever...

Thursday, January 8, 2009

strange kitty color???

This kat is supposed to have two shades of brown in it but I can't see it. what do you think?????

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

First Project of 2009

I am off to a slow stitching start for 2009 and I would like to say in my defense it is Laurel's fault! She bought me a webkins oh wait two webkins. Anyhow, this is Kitty Cottage by Little house needleworks. My daughter Aimee is having fits she says she thinks I don't know my alphabet cause everytime I stitch something it has the alphabet on it.??? Kids. oh well. that's all for tonight.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Humpty Dumpty had a great fall....

I went to my friend Laurels this past week end and we had a great time stitching and shopping and eating and chasing people from the neighbors shed. I just love her house it's very country and she has "lots" of stitching on her walls. She also "made" me start working on my daughters sampler for Wyatt which I badly need to do and "get it out of my hair". She also got me a beautiful preious moments figurine. I just love it and it is in my curio in my dining room.

The kittens all got along beautifully on our first "Official Play Date". LOL I am going to town on the webkins thing.

I came home on Sunday morning around noon and was sweeping my basement steps inside and I thought I was on the bottom one....I wasn't I fell backwards into a pile of dirty cloths which was good except I hit my head on the cement floor giving me a large goose egg. So I am a little sore today. Then yesterday and today Don had to work on Aimee's car. so 2009 is off with a bang!!! YAHOO! Let's Stitch.

Friday, January 2, 2009


44 days till NASCAR again. I can't wait.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy 2009!!!

I think the cats bubba and little cat had a bit too much catnip last night. They are passed out on the bed. It was a quite evening. I hope to while away my birthday day by stitching and napping. Oh and Laurel....Don't tell me how many days left to Christmas.